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italian grammar program of the one-to-one courses

The one-to-one courses are divided in ten levels: from the first one, for beginners, to the tenth in which the complete command of the language has been achieved. The Italian grammar program of our language courses is never rigid nor the same for everyone. We establish a personal plan of study in order to allow every single person to reach the goals she or he desires.

Following you can find an overview on the 10 levels of knowledge, each one with its objectives and grammar content. The table gives you an idea of where you are standing with your level. The lessons are based on these structures and objectives, while the teaching approach is chosen according to student’s characteristics and the exact studying program is established according to the student’s daily results. Our teachers only go ahead with the Italian grammar program once the student is able to apply the learned structures. Otherwise, there is the risk that the student gets overwhelmed and confused by a lot of theory, but is not able to put it into practise.

The times involved in order to complete one level are quite individual and depend on the student’s age, motivation, linguistic knowledge as well as ability to learn languages. Our experience showed us that it usually varies from 1-3 weeks to complete one level.

Italian grammar program for LEVELS 1 - 5:


Esercizi – Test – Giochi
Susanna Nocchi – Alma Edizioni Firenze

1st level• Regole di base della pronuncia
• Struttura della frase
• Genere e numero dei sostantivi
• Articoli
• Essere e Avere
• Forme dell’aggettivo
• Presente dei verbi regolari
• Presente dei verbi irregolari
• Forma di cortesia
• Verbo Stare – Presente progressivo
• Pronomi e aggettivi possessivi
The Italian grammar program  of this level starts from the development of the ability to handle the most elementary and common everyday situations: to ask for and give information, to read and comprehend simple phrases and texts, to describe simple situations, to write brief compositions and to transcribe sentences dictated by the teacher. Correct diction and pronunciation and use of the correct tone when asking questions and making statements.
2nd level• Verbi riflessivi e reciproci
• Forma impersonale
• Passato prossimo
• Pronomi diretti
• Preposizioni
• Pronomi indiretti
• Imperfetto
Development of the basic grammar and vocabulary enabling the student to handle situations of higher complexity. Improvement of the general ability to expression through the utilization of more sophisticated verbal forms. Detection and correction of the typical mistakes of each of the linguistic groups when pronouncing Italian.
3rd level• Pronomi combinati
• Condizionale
• Particelle “ci” e “ce”
• Futuro
• Comparativo e superlativo
• Pronomi relativi “che” e “cui”
• Trapassato prossimo
Students will be introduced to a wider array of grammatical forms used in everyday conversational Italian which will broaden their abilities to understand and interact with the Italian environment, by enabling them to hold either spontaneous or guided basic conversations. Development of the general understanding and the capability to synthesize and paraphrase brief articles or chosen excerpts.
4th level• Imperativo diretto (forma familiare)
• Congiuntivo
• Imperativo indiretto (forma di cortesia)
• Periodo ipotetico
• Forma passiva
• Passato remoto
This level leads to the study of more complex structures of the language and the expression of emotion, personal opinions, agreements and judgements. The analysis of literary and journalistic excerpts will increase the student’s vocabulary and ability to comprehend written texts.
5th level• Trapassato remoto
• Concordanza dei tempi del modo indicativo e congiuntivo
• Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti
• Forme implicite (gerundio, infinito, participio)
• Discorso indiretto
Further exploration of complex syntactic structures. Agreement of verb tenses in the indicative and subjunctive moods. Strengthening of the oral and written capabilities, through the utilization of the most common idiomatic expressions.

Italian grammar program for LEVELS 6 - 8:


Corso Medio, Katerin Katerinov
Edizioni Guerra

6th level

• Consonanti geminate, divisione delle parole in sillabe, articoli, sostantivi
• Coniugazioni regolari e irregolari all’indicativo presente; verbi ausiliari
• Preposizioni semplici e articolate; forma interrogativa; aggettivo; comparativi e superlativi
• Verbi transitivi e intransitivi; oggetto diretto e indiretto; participio passato; passato prossimo e formazione dei tempi composti; uso dei verbi ausiliari, accordo del participio passato con soggetto e oggetto

The Italian grammar program of this level focuses on the review and further study of the grammatical topics presented in the 1st level.  Vocabulary enhancement and specific language related to the student’s professional field. Development of comprehension and synthesis of literary and journalistic texts. Improvement of the skills of expression, explanation, discussion and interaction in various situations of daily and professional life.
7th level

• Futuro semplice e anteriore; verbi riflessivi; aggettivi e dimostrativi, aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
• Imperfetto indicativo; pronomi personali diretti, indiretti combinati (forme enclitiche e proclitiche); pronomi personali (forme atone e toniche); passato prossimo e remoto (il perfetto)
• Differenze fra perfetto e imperfetto; uso delle preposizioni; particelle avverbiali e pronominali “ne” e “ci”; trapassato prossimo e remoto (il piuccheperfetto)
• Pronomi relativi e interrogativi; schema generale dei tempi del verbo italiano; concordanza dei tempi del modo indicativo

Review and further study of the grammatical topics of the 2nd and 3rd levels. Continued building of contemporary vocabulary and the specific language related to the student’s professional field. Improvement of comprehension abilities and synthesis of literary and journalistic texts. Improvement of the skills of expression, explanation, discussion and interaction in various situations of daily and professional life.
8th level• I modi del verbo; il condizionale; il congiuntivo; concordanza dei tempi del modo congiuntivo
• Forme e costruzioni implicite; concordanza di tutti i tempi e di tutti i modi; tempi e modi che esprimono azioni anteriori e contemporanee; attrazione dei modi
• Forma impersonale; modo imperativo; periodo ipotetico
• Discorso diretto e indiretto; aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti; avverbi; congiunzioni; numerali
Review and further study of the grammatical topics of the 4th and 5th levels. Studying new vocabulary and specific language terms related to the student’s professional field. Improvement of comprehension skills and synthesis of literary and journalistic texts. Improvement of the skills of expression, explanation, discussion and interaction in various situations of daily and professional life.

Italian grammar program for LEVELS 9 - 10:


Corso Medio, Katerin Katerinov
Edizioni Guerra

9th level• Sintassi; analisi sintattica e logica; sintassi della proposizione; elementi della proposizione
• Varietà dei complementi ed uso delle preposizioni; varietà delle preposizioni
• Ordine degli elementi della proposizione; sintassi del periodo; proposizioni esplicite e implicite; proposizioni subordinate
• Sintassi del verbo; schema generale dei tempi del modo indicativo
• Considerazioni sui tempi e sui modi, parte 1ª (presente, imperfetto, perfetto, piuccheperfetto, futuro, congiuntivo, condizionale)
The Italian grammar program for this level includes the review and further study of the syntax and logic analysis of the sentences. Work on specific vocabulary and deeping the language skills  related to the student’s professional needs. Expansions of conversational skills and synthesis of literary and journalistic texts. Improvement of the skills of expression, explanation, discussion and interaction in various situations of daily and professional life.
10th level• Considerazioni sui tempi e sui modi, parte 2ª (imperativo; infinito, gerundio, participio)
• Varietà delle proposizioni
• Consecutio temporum et modorum
• Attrazione dei tempi e dei modi
• Proposizioni implicite
• Periodo ipotetico
• Discorso diretto e indiretto
• Costruzioni perifrastiche
Mastering the spontaneous use of the verbs tenses moods and the agreement between them and advanced syntax. Continued building of contemporary vocabulary and the specific language related to the student’s professional field. Development of conversation abilities and synthesis of literary and journalistic texts. Improvement of the skills of expression, explanation, discussion and interaction in various situations of daily and professional life.

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